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5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Lip Treatment

Lip injections and lip fillers were all the rage the past five years to bring volume and fullness to the lips. But not everyone wants invasive injections for their perfect lips. Believe it or not, you can get permanent lip color to mimic the look of fuller lips without getting painful injections.

If you’ve been wanting to give your lips some extra love, you can start with a lip treatment. Here are 5 reasons why a lip treatment is right for you. 1. Correct Uneven Lips

Most people have a slightly smaller top lip than bottom lip, and that’s okay. But if your lips are dramatically uneven, then a lip treatment such as lip liner can bring balance. If you opt for lip blush and color, then your technician can make your lips not only look more even but naturally more 3-dimensional.

If you feel self-conscious about your uneven lips, then a permanent lip color will allow you to focus on other things and forget about how your lips look. Wouldn’t that be nice?

2. Make Your Look Lips Fuller

Full, sexy lips are very desirable. They make you look beautiful, kissable, and youthful. Many women with naturally small or flat lips have a difficult time achieving a full lip look by themselves with lip liner and lipstick.

The key to achieving the perfect lips is to get lip blush, color, and liner together. Your technician can apply liner to make your lips look fuller. Then they’ll go in with color and blush to give your lips a gradient and pixelating effect, which will make them look fuller and rounder. The color will be matched to your natural lip color so you get the most natural, yet custom full lip look.

3. Stop Applying Drying Lipstick

Want to know one of the best reasons to get a lip treatment? You don’t have to apply lipstick every day anymore. It isn’t always convenient or comfortable to reapply lipstick throughout the day.

Lipstick gets on your teeth, dries out your lips, and can even leave stains on your favorite clothing. Why bother going through all that when you can get a permanent lip color? You wouldn’t need to deal with dry, flaky lips and lipstick stains anymore.

4. Look Younger

One of the signs of aging is that lips look less defined from the skin and they lose their color. Over time, there’s less dimension, fullness, and contrast in the lips. A full lip treatment can make your whole face look younger by adding the illusion of fullness and adding color back into the lips.

We know what you’re thinking: harsh and overdone lips are very aging, and you’d like to avoid that as much as possible. But permanent lip color doesn’t look synthetic like it used to in the ‘70s.

New techniques, tools, and inks have come a long way since the 1970s. In 2021, tools and machines are much gentler. Inks are organic and can be much lighter in color. Harsh carbon-based ink used to age poorly. New inks fade gradually and are much more natural-looking.

4. Keep Your Dream Lips for a Long Time

Rest assured that permanent lip colors aren’t actually permanent, they’re more semi-permanent and can last several years. Your lifestyle will largely determine how long your lip treatment lasts.

You can ensure your results will last a long time if you avoid sun exposure and smoking. Exfoliating products will also cause the pigment to fade more quickly. But if you keep your lips moisturized and protect your lips from the sun, you’ll be able to make your lip treatment last for two to three years.

Sounds great, right? Fuller lips will give you confidence and keep you looking young. If you’d like all the benefits of fuller lips without a needle, book an appointment with Shirani Beauty Clinic today.


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